Sunday 5 August 2007

Summer Holidays Part 1

On Friday 3rd August our family holiday began.  Tony's parents were very generous and hired us a car for 10 days. After picking up the car - which incidentally I have fallen in love with and want to keep! - i decided to take Kayla to a park that i had seen on the internet. I was very organised and had printed off directions to get there and back and according to Google it would take about 20 minutes to get there.  So after 40 minutes of driving and running out of familiar towns on road signs it seemed that my lack of sense of direction remains intact!

Turning around and heading back towards Reading Kayla was in desperate need for a toilet break, we stumbled across a petrol station and went in to use the facilities.  we were then informed that they did not have any but we could try the California Country Park up the road - yes this was the park we had been driving for an hour at that stage to find!

We have so far been blessed with fantastic hot weather since Friday (considering there had been very few signs of summer up until this point someone must be smiling down on us for the week that we had booked off to be so nice!)

Today (Sunday) the four of us drove over to Alexandra Gardens in Windsor and played mini golf.  At some point I took over the score cards and managed to mess up a couple, but we think Tony managed to rectify the point tally.  The final scores were Georgie at 3rd place with 57, Tony & Kayla tied 2nd place with 50 and I won with a score of 41!

We have a jam packed week coming up so fingers crossed the sun stays shining and we have a fantastic time. smile_shades Tags: , , ,

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