Tuesday 1 January 2008

Happy 2008

Yes quite late into the year for the first blog of 2008! I promised myself that I would keep this news section up to date on a regular basis - I should have known better!
So the rest of 2007 was a bit of a write off. My mum came over for a visit in October which was great. She finally got to she where I have been living for that couple of years and I was taken out for lunch everyday which is a bonus.
At the end of October I had an operation to try and correct and older procedure I had a few years ago - this should have only been about a 2 week recovery period but, as most of you will know by now, I didn’t actually heal until the end of January this year!

We are in the process of getting Tony set up to start his own business. Once he is up & running he will be a one stop IT solution provider for individuals & small to medium businesses. This is being set up via a govt organisation so there is a 16 week program to follow but we cant wait - he will be doing something he loves and can work from home. Check out www.httpsds.com !

With some holidays booked and Australian visitors arriving this year, together with the possibility of buying a car (if I pass my driving test!) 2008 is shaping up to be quite a good one for the Hitchinson’s :)