Sunday 22 July 2007

Night Out in London

After quite a long time of seeing each other, Susanne, Rach and I finally set a date to meet up to spend a day together. The idea was to have lunch – perhaps a few cheeky drinks martini– and go our separate ways in the evening. The easiest place to meet was the The Hog in the Pound at Bond Street which was close to where we thought we would have lunch. So sitting at a pub catching up meant one thing – why not have a couple of drinks first! The sun was finally shining and the coronas were going down very nicely. By 3pm we still hadn’t left the pub. Talking about ideas of what to do, Susanne innocently suggests “why not go to a karaoke bar” and not so innocently says “as it happens I have the details here” as she pulls out a business card for a karaoke bar in Soho. So a quick phone call was made and a room booked for 4pm. We legged it over to Soho and arrive just in time for our hour’s room booking. We then belted out some favourite sing alongs for an hour standing on the couches in the little room – thank god no-one else was there to see!

Our stomachs soon reminded us that we still hadn’t had any food , we passed a Chinese buffet in Chinatown and decided on that rather than spending more time looking around for something else. After piling my plate high with lots of food I worriedly kept glancing at the warning sign on our table that stated any food wastage would be charged – anyone that knows me might know that no matter how much food in on my plate be it a large or small portion I never ever finish it! This was then the time that I was to head home. Susanne was meeting up with a school friend who I had gone to primary school with so I thought I’d go along to the pub in Covent Garden and meet up for a little while THEN head home! After lots of chatting and a few bottles of wine it was soon apparent that I would not be able to go anywhere on my own. Susanne had to call my wonderful husband who agreed it was probably best I stayed at hers that night.On the phone After waking in the morning, feeling the effects of all the alcohol the night before smile_sick– I managed to head back to Reading to spend the rest of the day in bed! It was a great night though!! Tags: , , ,

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