Friday 13 April 2007


The Easter weekend began coming home from work and discovering our lounge room looked very similar to a computer warehouse. Darren & Megan had come over to spend Easter with us and Darren & Tony had gone out shopping for a new computer for Darren. It turned out it was going to be a better deal to buy all the components and tony build the machine from scratch. Darren has also brought with him his old computer to be turned into one for Megan and another old machine that Tony could use as a (third!!!) server. So the floor could barely be seen with all the machines & components everywhere.
On Good Friday we took Kayla & Megan to the local park although I think Darren & myself got more enjoyment from some of the playground structures! We decided to all go on a swing type thing with four “seats” that swings around in a big circle, the kids got a great laugh at seeing the ‘oldies’ trying to have a turn – check it out in the Easter Album on the photos page.
Later in the day/evening we were joined by Charlie & Debbie and spent a great night in with good company & plenty of drinks and lots of fun playing trivial pursuit family & music edition which I won!!! It turns out I know far too much information about boy bands!!
Georgie came over to ours on Saturday, so the kids had another great day all playing together and we got a day to veg out
Tony’s parents also popped over to see us – which was really good coz we scored a Cadbury’s crème egg Easter egg from them hehe!
That night, after more drinks and a bit of a smoke and quite a lot of laughs we have ended up with another website – not really a “family” one so to speak more like a place for silly ideas - will be up & running soon!
The Easter bunny paid us a visit, so Sunday morning nice & early all three girls had an Easter eggs hunt through the flat. Later in the day we took them to the park next door to burn some energy, again I think the adults had more fun at the park by playing Frisbee.
On Monday we went to Silchester which is an old Roman Town not far from where we live. Most of the roman wall is still standing which we spent a lot of time walking around, it was quite interesting and even the girls seemed to enjoy the “historic excursion” the day was finished off with a nice pub lunch and a nap when we got home – such the life! Tags: , , ,

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