Friday 30 March 2007


Due to certain situations, mostly weather & finances, we have been spending an awful lot of time at home. This isn’t such a bad thing as we enjoy each others company a lot, it has however highlighted my bad habits – watching lots of TV, snacking and computer games!
Ok so the TV watching isn’t so bad, except Tony would disagree for the fact that I will sit and watch terrible English soaps (hollyoaks) and any “countdown show” that’s on, he also got a little concerned when I wanted to mark the calendar when the new season of house was returning…anyway this bad habit is most certainly the cause of the next one – snacking!! Now apart from the little bit of weight gain due to this I wasn’t overly concerned, or perhaps just lack of will power to cut down, UNTIL a visit to the dentist yesterday! Kayla & I have fallen under the curse of British teeth (no offence) and need a root canal treatment (me) and 2 (!!) extractions (Kayla) poor girl. The worst part for Kayla was after realizing what extractions meant was the thought of Easter a week away, and with tears streaming down her cheeks she asked is she still getting any Easter eggs smile_cry
I have been introduced to a computer game, which was originally intended for the girls to play, called Zoo Tycoon where you have to build a zoo hire staff etc and make money. I was helping the girls with setting one up and became so engrossed I ended up spending 3 hours the other night setting up MY zoo! Since then I’ve started another zoo its very addictive so much so that I ended up burning the dinner last night coz I was playing the game.
So anyway, as I sit here with a can of softdrink and a chocolate bar wondering if I can fit in some time to build more exhibits in my zoo in between dinner and NCIS & CSI tonight, I will leave it to next week to cut back some of my addictions smile_tongue Tags: , ,

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