Saturday 6 January 2007

White Christmas - The Theatre

We had arranged with Tony’s parents to see a show at Southampton on the 6th Jan, as Tony’s mum’s godson Farrick (following?? Hehe) was part of the cast. So the four of us went along and met up with Tony’s sister, husband and their 2 children and some other friends of the family.
It turns out what we were there to see was a musical, White Christmas based on the movie and the lead was none other than Aussie Craig McLachlan - ie Henry in Neighbours 20 odd years ago!
The show was actually really good, and after a year of debating with tony about the quality of Craig’s singing voice I had to admit that he was very good on stage! (we have had a friendly argument in which tony has tried to convince me many times that Craig McLachlan is actually a really good singer and if you ignore the 80’s Mona song the rest are really good and, being me, without actually listening I have disagreed)
Kayla, Georgie and their 2 cousins Gemma & Sophie seemed to really enjoy it, and Every time Farrick appeared on stage Tony’s mum was very excitedly pointing him out – I think she was very proud and rightly so
After the show Tony’s mum had to meet Farrick at the stage door to exchange some Christmas presents and he asked the girls if they would like to meet Craig. Craig came out in the freezing cold half undressed and signed autographs and had pictures taken, he seemed really nice & down to earth and after chatting with everyone for a little while went back inside as I quote “he nipples were about to fall off” from the cold. smile_omg
After the show we had a nice meal in church that has been converted into a restaurant – such a nice setting. Ricky (Farrick) had organised for everyone to meet up there and as we were shown to our tables he stated that he wasn’t going to eat coz it was too expensive hehe Tags: , ,

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