Tuesday 28 August 2007

London - Bank Holiday Weekend


We escaped the crowds of the "great unwashed" during Reading Festival which took place on the August bank holiday weekend.

We made plans to meet my school friend Jennifer at the Nags Head a Convent Garden at lunchtime, we had made really good time to get into London so had a bit of a wander around before hand. As we came out of Piccadilly Tube station I saw the most amazing thing (well ok not THE most but pretty damn good anyway!) an umbrella vending machine!! How much of a good idea is that? I even made Tony do the tourist thing and take a photo of me standing next to it - you can check this out on our photos page. umbrella

we also had time to stroll around Leicester Square & Covent Garden and watch some of the street performers. It was a glorious day of sunshine so we took full advantage and drank our beers outside the Nags Head.

We decided on the crooked surgeon in Soho for lunch which turned out must be targeted for the Australian travellers, as not only was our waitress Australian most of the advertising was aimed for moving back home to Oz! We had a really nice lunch and catch up together with some nice wine (or in my case lots!) martini

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