Tuesday 7 August 2007

Seaside Roadtrip

On Monday we decided to take advantage of the summer weather and drove down to Bournemouth for the day.  Although the weekend had been & gone the beach was still jam-packed.  We could have guessed this would be the case as we drove around and around to try and find somewhere to park (the one stress we don't normally have to deal with).The girls swam in the freezing English Channel but had a great time.  Tony & I watched from the warm beach not even game to stick a toe in. After the beach we stopped for the mandatory ice cream in the park - never far from a disaster we managed to lose one flake out of an ice cream cone before leaving the ice cream van!

We decided to take the country drive back towards the motorway driving through New Forest.  On the way we pulled over to take a wander to find wild ponies.  We watched some from a distance and saw a foal with it's heavily pregnant mother.  They seemed to be quite curious of us and came up close for further inspection.  The girls were in awe at being so close to nature and talked about it for the next 2 hours on the way home!

In between hearing how great the ponies were we stopped at a country pub for dinner, we all had a really nice meal which turned out to only be £1 more expensive than the Wimpy we had for lunch at the services on the way down!! smile_confused


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