Monday 27 August 2007

While the kids are away..

The adults will play! As most of you will know Tony I have have been left childfree for 3 weeks as Kayla was taken away on holidays to Australia with my dad and Georgie was on holidays with her mum in Europe.

The house has been so quiet and we have had so much time to ourselves in the evenings as I walk home from work so I’m in the door at 5.15 each night. We also have only had to worry about feeding ourselves and not having to follow the usual routine of family life (eg getting baths ready, packing bags and lunches for the following day etc)

We have taken advantage, as much as we could due to finances, of being able to have adult time together.

During the first week Tony met me after work and we headed along to Santa Fe with some of my work friends to have dinner and drinks we had a really good time and I was only hung-over a little bit in the morning! We were able to go to our friends Mike & Ann for dinner one night (rather than them having to come to us like usual). The dinner was lovely, a home cooked curry, even if it did involve an emergency run home to get some antiseptic cream for burnt hands! I managed to consume a bottle & a half of wine so I was talking a lot with my hands – you can see this in the “dinner party” photos – and Tony had to help me stumble up the road at 3am!

We also caught up with Mike & Ann on the Thursday night before Reading Festival. Their band Joey Ultra were playing at the Walkabout, the amount of times I have been in the “aussie pub” after saying I wouldn’t spend the time I have in the UK in them!!, so along we went to show our support and like usual have a few drinks. After the walkabout we stopped in at The Great Expectations pub, which is on the way home, where Ann and I must have been really hungry as we spoke most of the time about great food! Because of this we had a mandatory stop at the servo further up the road and I was apparently quite drunkenly forceful telling Ann she “HAD” to get the cheeseburger in pastry that was on the hot shelf! We also even got a chance to go on a date to the cinema which we haven't done in ages! Tags: , , , ,

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