Wednesday 22 August 2007

Smoking Ban Rant

From July 1st 2007 England introduced a total smoking ban. I can understand why this has come about, even as frustrating as it is (it would appear that the outside tables at pubs where you can smoke fill up really quickly!) what has really been annoying me with it is it would appear that smokers are being associated with a total lack of common sense.

Every workplace under the new law must be a no smoking environment, when this came into effect every work place building, eg offices & shops, paid for and put on display a no smoking sign with the words it is illegal to smoke in these premises. Now I’m sure some of these places it goes with out saying that there is no smoking - the chemist and doctors surgeries for example. What annoyed me even further was our workplace received an evaluation visit from a member of the local council to ensure that we were following the guidelines of the smoking ban and that a procedure has been put in place if someone attempts to smoke in the building (yes it is - could you please extinguish that cigarette as it is illegal to smoke in these premises!!). Now if every work place in Reading will be receiving these visits surely this will end up costing us tax payers additional money! smile_baringteeth Tags: , ,

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