Saturday 26 August 2006

Tone's Birthday

So 34 seems like a big age start of the mid 30's but hey what did we do the same as we always did Got pissed, a fab night out was had by all even those we managed to collect along the way (I blame Charlie for this)
It started in the Nags Head where we was joined after a short while by Barney then off to dinner for 3, Barney, Nikki and myself, ok we we might have had a few drinks before dinner Pizza Express near Covent Garden it was after trying to get in for a Mexican and finding out that is sure they could serve us in like 1.5 hours (to much drinking time wasted there me thinks). Food was well Pizza Express I.e. good food ok price not bad services in an ok place.
Then back to the nags head to collect Charlie and meet up with Susanne and her friends she had met in Japan. the vodka was flowing so was the banter, Barney was smoking girly cigs again (yes i am sure he is not gay!) about 10:40 we left the pub with Barney saying i know where we are going heading for the Borderline Club for the Saturday night Christmas club session. we found the club more by luck than judgement i suspect. Christmas Club is a bargain to get into for a London club and is one of the oldest indie nights in the UK apparently dating back 17 years now
The music was excellent mix of old and new rock/indie. all was going so well until Barney suggested shots (see told you he is not gay) and well it kinda went down hill from then on see the picture pages for evidence
Both Nikki and Barney were a tad (actually totally and completely) pissed by the time we left at 3am Nikki was very concerned that Barney wouldn't get home ok on his own (I am glad to report that he did) . A good night was had by all even michelle and err some guy she was with who seemed to join us in the Christmas club (I still blame Charlie)
of course there was many funny stories from this night that i not possibly repeat on such an open site smile_winkbut Barney is defo not gay ok smile_tongue Tags: , ,

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