Monday 21 August 2006

Child Free Week

During the summer holidays Dad & Sheila kindly offered to take Kayla up to Cheadle Hulme with them for a week, so for the first time since my impromptu trip over in September last year Tone and I had a week of just adult time and took advantage rightly so smile_teeth
After having a nice night in on the Monday together, Tuesday saw us heading into London to meet Charlie & Barney in Leicester Square for a drink before heading to a recommended Indian. We had been given directions how to get there from Piccadilly Circus and was leaving it up to Barney’s “capable” hands to direct us there. So off we headed to Piccadilly Circus to follow the direction and on the way there we walked past a street full of Indian restaurants and sure enough following the directions from the start point and ended up back at that exact same street. It was the best curry I’ve had over here and a great night lots of laughter & drinks!Wednesday night we met up with one of Tone’s work colleagues Mike & his girlfriend Anne and they introduced us to a really good Noodle Bar in Reading. We then ended up in the Rising Sun (an old rockers pub) one of Tone’s old haunts from his earlier days in Reading. We headed back to Mike & Anne’s who have Guitar Hero for PS2 (which Tony has been lusting after since we saw it in a games shop) and let Tony have a turn. They have said that they have never seen anyone fail the tutorials before smile_embaressedbut I cant talk I didn’t even have a try after seeing both Mike & Anne kick arse on it – we still want one for home though! After work on Thursday I met Tony at Henley-on-Thames as we decided to go out for another meal though just the two of us, this was interrupted for a little while as we were cornered by a drunk local who wanted to talk all night about Saduko (an unexpected drunk conversation admittedly)Mike’s brother Pete has a band Pete & The Pirates who were playing a gig in a converted warehouse in Reading on the Friday, so Tone, Charlie and I went along. The entertainment was superb and we came away with 2 cd’s one of Pete & The Pirates and another of Ben Marwood who played first and was fantastic also.A great end to a fantastic week! Waiting with anticipation for the next summer holidays smile_wink Tags: , , ,

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