Monday 21 April 2008

Spain - Family Holiday

After eagerly waiting since October last year, it was finally time to head off to Spain. We had booked 10 days in Fuengirola on the Costa de Sol, Southern Spain to try and guarantee some sunshine so early in the year.
Heavy showers welcomed us and it managed to rain solidly for the first 3 days. We tried to make the most of it by getting shopping and bits & pieces out of the way on those days.
On the first day a couple of British resort reps descended on us handing out scratch cards on which I managed to scratch off the “top prize”, we were whisked away in their car to the resort in which we were supposed to sit through a 90 minute talk about their holiday club (kind of like timeshare) and then claim the prize. Well 90 minutes lasted about 3 hours but we did come away with a bottle of Cava, a bottle of Bacardi, a free holiday (after reading the fine print we may not be able to use!) and a chauffeured drive around the area – so it wasn’t all bad.
The rain stopped and we ended up with a week of sunshine which was fantastic. We visited the local zoo, a theme park and lazed around the pool. Where we stayed was like a mini England, it was a strange concept to me to be in a foreign country and mostly hear English spoken with British accents, but was a nice place nonetheless. We ate well each night out, lots of seafood including Paella which I had been looking forward to having again, and we easily fell into the Spanish ways of life – sleep ins, buffet style lunches and siesta’s in the afternoons and staying out late for dinner & drinks, the way a good holiday should be.

The pictures are up on the photo page of the website.

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